
Since1985,HongKongInstituteofLanguages(HKIL)offerslanguagecoursesforadultsin7languages:French,English,German,Spanish,Mandarin,Cantoneseand ...,HongKongInstituteofLanguagesofferschildren,teens,andadultsopportunitiestoopennewdoorswiththeassetoflanguages.,excitingrangeoflanguagestodiscover,fromFrench,English,German,Spanish,Cantonese,andMandarintoJapanese.AtourEasterCamps,wecreateadynamic ...,“The...

Adults Language Courses

Since 1985, Hong Kong Institute of Languages (HKIL) offers language courses for adults in 7 languages: French, English, German, Spanish, Mandarin, Cantonese and ...

HKIL: After School Language Courses

Hong Kong Institute of Languages offers children, teens, and adults opportunities to open new doors with the asset of languages.

Hong Kong Institute of Languages

exciting range of languages to discover, from French, English, German, Spanish, Cantonese, and Mandarin to Japanese. At our Easter Camps, we create a dynamic ...

Hong Kong Institute of Languages

“ The tailor-made courses, quality of teachers and stress-free lessons. This is exactly what I wanted for Hugo and Jerrie. It's a small, cosy school with ...

Hong Kong Institute of Languages

2023年12月14日 — Hong Kong Language Institute, learn french, learn spanish, learn german, learn english, learn mandarin, learn japanese, learn cantonese, ...